The Risley Family Association
The Risley, Wrisley, and Rizley descendants of Richard Risley Sr. in America.
A nonprofit, private, national organization preserving the history and genealogy of the Risley family.
Founded July 31, 1889, at Madison Lake, Madison, NY.
RFA News & Events
Risley Homestead Northfield, NJ
One of two remaining 18th century houses in Atlantic County, NJ.

2024 Reunion
Fredonia, NY
The Risley Family Association 2024 reunion was held in upstate New York. A good time was had by all as we visited the Barker Museum for a local presentation, Risley mansions on Risley St., and the Liberty Vineyards & winery to name a few of the attractions.

2022 Reunion
Somers Point, NJ
The Risley Family Association 2022 reunion was a rousing success thanks to our hosts, John Risley, his wife Dawn, and sons John and Harold, who went above and beyond to make our visit memorable and enjoyable. The hard work of our Risley Association officers, assisted by their family members, contributed to well-organized meetings and a welcoming atmosphere.